{% extends "Global/layout.html.twig" %} {% block title %}{{ services.getSetting("website_description_" ~ (app.request.get('_locale') ? app.request.get('_locale') : app.request.defaultLocale)) }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if herosettings.content == "events" and herosettings.events|length %}
{% endif %} {% if herosettings.content == "organizers" and herosettings.organizers|length %}
{% endif %} {% if herosettings.content == "custom" %}
{% if herosettings.title %}

{{ herosettings.title }}

{% endif %} {% if herosettings.paragraph %}

{{ herosettings.paragraph }}

{% endif %}
{% if herosettings.showSearchBox %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if services.getSetting('homepage_show_search_box') == "yes" %}
{% endif %} {% if services.getSetting('homepage_events_number') %} {% set homepageEvents = services.getEvents({"limit": services.getSetting('homepage_events_number')}).getQuery().getResult() %} {% if homepageEvents|length > 0 %}

{{'Upcoming events' | trans}}

{% for event in homepageEvents %}
{% include "Global/event-card.html.twig" with {event: event} %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if services.getSetting('homepage_categories_number') > 0 %}

{{'Featured categories' | trans}}

{% for category in services.getCategories({ "featured": true, "limit": services.getSetting('homepage_categories_number') }).getQuery().getResult() %}
{% include "Global/category-card.html.twig" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if services.getSetting('homepage_blogposts_number') > 0 %} {% set latestblogposts = services.getBlogPosts({"limit": services.getSetting('homepage_blogposts_number')}).getQuery().getResult() %} {% if latestblogposts|length %}

{{'Lastest blog posts' | trans}}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if services.getSetting('homepage_show_call_to_action') == "yes" %}

{{ "Are you ready to take your"|trans }} {% for category in services.getCategories({ "featured": true, "limit": 9 }).getQuery().getResult() %}{{ category.name|lower }}{% if not loop.last %}|{% endif %}{% endfor %} {{ "event to the next level ?"|trans }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %}